
Wedding in Turkey

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Wedding in Turkey, Marriage Law in Turkey, Avocats Francophones, English Speaking Lawyer, Foreigner Marrying a Turk, Family Law, Family Lawyer in Izmir, Family Lawyer in Turkey. Contact Us, Appelez Nous.

Wedding in Turkey, only civil marriage is legal in Turkey. You may have any religious ceremony you wish in addition to the civil one, but the religious service has no legal standing in Turkey.

Also, notice that Turkish officials cannot perform a marriage that would not be approved in your own country. If your own country’s laws prohibit you from marrying, you will not be able to obtain from authorities of your own country the documents that are required by Turkish marriage law, and thus you will not be able to marry in Turkey.

Same Nationality

If both bride and groom have the same nationality and it is not Turkish, your marriage will be valid if conducted either byTurkish authorities or by your country’s embassy or consulate officials. But note that not all embassies and consulates will perform marriages—check with yours.

For marriage by Turkish authorities, you must obtain a document from the authorities in your own country attesting to your eligibility for marriage. This can be a marriage license or a statement (Evlenme Ehliyet Belgesi) from your country’s diplomatic officers (usually a consul) resident in Turkey.

Different Nationalities

If you and your fiancé(e) are of different nationalities, and neither of you is a Turkish citizen, your marriage must be conducted by a Turkish official. The foreign national must obtain a document from the proper authorities in his or her own country attesting to eligibility for marriage: a marriage license, or a statement (Evlenme Ehliyet Belgesi) from embassy or consular authorities resident in Turkey.

Foreigner Marrying a Turk

If one person is Turkish and the other is not, your marriage must be conducted by a Turkish official. You must obtain a document from the proper authorities in your own country attesting to your eligibility for marriage: a marriage license or statement (Evlenme Ehliyet Belgesi) from embassy or consular authorities resident in Turkey. Wedding in Turkey, Lawyer

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Bir önceki yazımız olan Bayraklı Adliyesi Ceza Avukatı başlıklı makalemizde bayraklı adliye avukat, bayraklı adliyesi ceza avukatı ve bayraklı avukatları hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.

Bir önceki yazımız olan Bayraklı Adliyesi Boşanma Avukatı başlıklı makalemizde bayraklı adliye avukatı, bayraklı adliyesi avukat ve bayraklı adliyesi avukatları hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.

Bir önceki yazımız olan Noter Vekaletname Ücreti başlıklı makalemizde 2021 noterlik ücret tarifesi, araç satışı için vekalet ve araç tescil masrafı hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.

FR- Wedding in Turkey.

Nos expertises sont les besoins de nos clients les sociétés et leur management.

Ce sont le conseil et contentieux du droit des affaires. Mais nous croyons que, compte tenu la spécificité d’un pays comme la Turquie, les activités de conseil et contentieux ne peuvent etre divisées entre équipes d’avocats.

Notre équipe fait partie de la première ligue des cabinets d’avocats en Turquie, conseillant surtout les sociétés internationales en Turquie ou les opérateurs turcs à l’étranger. Nous avons vocation à servir de “guichet unique” pour nos clients, leur offrant un panel large de compétence, dans une communauté de langue et culture d’entreprise.

Le niveau de la plupart de nos clients, groupes de sociétés de renom ou des entités étatiques nous obligent en terme niveau professionnel.

Nos affiliations auprès de barreaux internationaux et institutions d’arbitrages nous obligent en terme d’éthique.

EN – Why Us?

What makes our firm unique is the people we represent and the people we work with.  Our clients trust us.  They don’t receive pointless advice that lacks business acumen.  We provide counsel as if we were in our clients’ shoes – because we have been. We understand our clients’ business position on a level that most others do not. Our clients speak to us first, without the worry of time and expense.  Our practice provides exceptional value, every time.

In litigation, we treat cases as if it were our own dollars being spent and at risk.  Because of this, we guide clients through early resolution opportunities and take a practical approach for each case, rather than blindly following a meaningless step list of actions, which is common practice within other firms.  We are thoroughly battle tested, trial ready and experienced where a particular case requires it.

Bir önceki yazımız olan Yabancıların Türkiyede Evlenmesi başlıklı makalemizde bekarlık belgesi nasıl alınır, konsolosluk düğünü ve türkiyede evlenme avukatı hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.

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